2008 m. gruodžio 10 d., trečiadienis

NAME Živilė SURNAME Baracevičiūtė GROUP psbd8-01

- WRITING A SUMMARY is not as hard as I thought first. You should clearly understand the writer's major point (or purpose) for writing and begin your summary. I found it very useful. I learned how to compress a text, moreover, how to paraphrase the main ideas .
- WRITING COMPREHENSION TESTS ON MODULES IN PSYCHOLOGY was very challenging. It took so much time to learn terminology of psychology, to understand all modules, but it is important to learn all terms, I need to know specific words, specific information, in order to keep up with my future job.
- MAKING POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS was very exiting practice, because it was both creative and scientific work. I took delight in all presentations. Also it was very effective way to learn ESP. I learned clarity in speech and phrasing, linking and control language, timing interventions , handling and asking guestions.
- IMPROMPTU SPEAKING IN CLASS improved my speaking skills. However the most powerful benefit is the improvement in my general confidence and self image. This affects much more than speaking skills.
- PERFORMANCE IN LISTENING PRACTICE was troublesome. Nothing has resulted from my efforts. The main reason for my bad performance in listening activities is lack of practice.
- WRITING CONTRIBUTIONS TO E-PORTFOLIO ( WEBLOG) was a new experiece for me, so it was fun. Moreover, writing contributions to weblog is very helpful to me. It makes education demand oriented, helps me improve my writing competencies, clarity in speech and phrasing.