The topic of this article has been written and spoken about so many times that you would think that you need a secret key to unlock it. I am talking about happiness. Happiness is no mystery. Most people are quite clear about what happiness is, and can easily describe how happy or not they are. Most people also consider happiness their most important goal in life. Happiness definitely rules!We live in a world where everyone is "chasing" happiness. Everyone is"looking” for happiness.We think that we will be happy when we get the latest car or a bigger house.Some of us think we will be happy next year when we take our vacation.Here is what I have learnt: Happiness Is A Choice.That’s right; you can choose to be happy. In any instant you can CHOOSE to be happy. You can change your focus from what is wrong in the world to what is right in your life.So anytime you feel your emotional sniffles coming on, do something that makes you happy. Think happy thoughts. Call a long lost friend. Spend time with loved ones.Or go online and read about the happiest nations such as Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Iceland and Finland. Do anything that makes you happy.
P.S. You can take psychologist Ed Diener's test to find out how happy you are.