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The University of Giessen is officially called Justus Liebig - Giessen after its most famous member, Justus von Liebig, the founder of modern agricultural chemistry and inventor of artificial fertiliser. Weil Mykolas Romeris University is a university in the capital city of Vilnius, Lithuania, bearing the name of the famous Lithuanian jurist and politician Mykolas Romeris. Established in 2004, it is a state-funded institution. These two Universities offers almost the same bachelor programs in psychology. The first one University is Liebig - Giessen, which offers psychology program in which duration of the course is 3 years, ), including 21 modules, in the course of which a total of 180 Credit Points (CP according to ECTS) can be earned. The first two years of our study program include the basic courses of General and Experimental Psychology, Biological Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Differential Psychology and Social Psychology, in addition to which the vocational-oriented courses of Clinical Psychology, Work- and Organizational Psychology as well as Educational Psychology are offered. Methodological skills are imparted in the fields of Statistics, Theory of Tests and Clinical Diagnostics. A special Study Skills Module has been designed to help students acquire multidisciplinary skills (i.e. the skill of academic reading, writing, arithmetic and presentation). The third year of the study program introduces a mandatory elective study program, enabling students to specialize according to their interests. In addition to a practical training in a vocational field and the Bachelor's Degree, it includes classical vocational fields of psychology (i.e. personnel selection, learning support, misguided development) as well as newly emerging fields (i.e. neuro-science, media-supported learning). Also, three out of nine mandatory elective courses must be chosen.The greatest plus of this University is that Gießen professors included the gestalt psychologist Kurt Koffka. Weil talking about Mykolas Romeris University, it is almost the same as Germany University, because the program in psychology is very similar to Justus Liebig- Giessen University. Duration of the course of study is 4 years. These 4 years of our study program include: logics, philosophy, language of speciality, foreign language, introduction to psychology, human anatomy, communication skills training, mathematical statistics,sensation and perception, history of psycholgy, theories of personality, political science, attention, memory and learning, psychophisiological measurements, academic skills, introduction to sociology, social psychology and other great psycholgy subjects. Although, these two Universities are very similar, there is no doubt that MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITY is the one and the only.